Mrs Catherine O'Kane
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It was a delight to see our students enthusiastically participate in Spirit Week activities last week! With a different activity each day, student favourites were varied and are still being passionately debated in the afterglow of events.
From the enlightening discussions at ‘Talk about it Tuesday’ to the Teachers vs Students Basketball Game, to the always highly anticipated ‘Fandom Friday’, our week of school spirit and celebration of the AHSisterhood resonated with our students for a myriad of reasons as diverse as they are.
The week finished with the revealing of our new school mascot, the goat, a reminder of the treasured story captured in a letter by Mother Vincent Whitty, written in 1875, as she sat in the front parlour of the Convent looking out to the front garden and the river beyond, “I am sure you are very busy in your department with chickens etc, etc. Here we are eaten up by goats and their kids. Yesterday when in the reception room (of Adderton) what did I see, but a goat tearing and eating a lovely magnolia – if it survives the tearing it got, it will be a wonderful plant.”.
A heartfelt thank you to our School Captains and Spirit Captains and all of our senior students for their enthusiastic leadership throughout Spirit Week. The joy captured in these photos says so much about the enduring spirit of the AHSisterhood and the charism of Mercy, passed from generations of Sisters of Mercy to our students, staff and community and we congratulate our students for the school spirit, joy and infectious enthusiasm they brought to every activity.
Information Evenings and Retreats
Last week’s Parent-Student-Teacher Feedback Meetings provide an important opportunity for our teachers to give feedback and it was pleasing to see so many parents and caregivers, together with your daughter, engaging in this opportunity.
In the coming weeks, a series of year-level-specific subject information evenings will provide parents and caregivers with additional opportunities to engage in further learning about our learning programs. We thank our dedicated staff for the many hours of preparations they have invested to make these sessions both informative and beneficial and we look forward to sharing information about the next steps in your daughter’s learning journey with you.
Increase to Year 5 streams from 2026
At the May meeting of our School Board, the Board approved a further increase in the number of streams of Year 5 and 6. The approved increase is that our school will move from our current five streams of Year 5 to six streams of Year 5 from 2026. This 2026 increase will flow onto having six streams of Year 6 from 2027. This will increase our total student population to 1752 students from 2027.
There is currently no plan to increase the number of students in our Year 7 – 12 classes – this is planned to remain at 240 students per year level.
Facilities Update
In the McAuley Hall renovation, completed in 2023, twelve classrooms were created for Years 5 and 6 and this increase in streams, to have six classes of both year levels, will see McAuley Hall fully occupied by our Primary students by 2027. The current project to provide additional playground space for our Year 5 and 6 students at the St Gertrudes open space is progressing well and on schedule for completion later this year.
These major capital projects would not be possible without the generosity of our community, and I would like to give my sincere thanks to the All Hallows’ Foundation Directors and all members of our community who donate so generously through our Building Fund. I also give my thanks to our P&F Association, under the leadership of President Mr Phil Young, who has generously donated over $100,000 to these important capital projects that will provide a multitude of benefits for our students.
Summative Review — Ms Jo Lovett, Director of Community Relations and Development
I would like to extend my gratitude to all of the members of our community who provided insightful feedback for Ms Jo Lovett, Director of Community Relations and Development as part of her performance review regarding her work over the past five years.
I am delighted to announce that the review process for Ms Lovett has been successfully completed and to confirm that it highlighted her many achievements over the past five years.
Feast of St Ann
This Friday we will celebrate the Feast of St Ann, mother of Mary and a model of faith and motherhood.
St Ann helped nurture Mary’s faith, instilling in her a deep devotion to God that ultimately prepared Mary for her role as the Mother of Jesus. She also instilled in Mary the virtues of humility, patience, and kindness—values that were core to the life and faith of Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy and values that we continue to impart to our students today.
St Ann is commemorated at All Hallows’ in our St Ann’s Building (and our school’s address is 547 Ann Street) and in her honour, we offer this prayer:
Beloved of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
take us and all who are dear to us under your special care.
Bless us with the virtues you instilled in the heart of Mary,
Mother of Jesus.
In your name St Ann, we pray that we may imitate your example
in our homes and families.
May you recognise and receive God’s many blessings in the coming week.
Mrs. Catherine O’Kane (Principal).