A message from Mrs. Catherine O'Kane
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As we say hello to a bright new, exciting school year, we see old friendships rekindled, and new ones blossom.
The start of the school year is always a joyful time as we look ahead and imagine all that we will achieve together this year. The enthusiasm of our Mercy community as we reunite is always infectious!
New students and staff
A sincere welcome to our new students and families in 2025. No matter what year group, I know that all new students will be warmly welcomed. To support our new students and families to find your way within our All Hallows’ community, we have a range of induction and welcome activities in place, and I encourage you to be involved as much as is possible for your family. It was wonderful to be able to meet so many new parents and caregivers at assembly on Tuesday morning and I give thanks to our Mothers’ Network volunteers for their service in providing refreshments and morning tea following assembly.
Last week we welcomed back our staff to our Professional Learning Days and welcomed our new staff for 2025. We are blessed to have such talented and expert staff who are dedicated to our Mercy charism and the care of our students, and I know you will help make our newest team members feel part of our All Hallows’ community.
2025 School Theme – Ignite Hope with Compassionate Hearts
I am certain that our 2025 School Theme, “Ignite Hope with Compassionate Hearts”, would delight Catherine McAuley, the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, and our founding Sisters of Mercy … women of compassion and hope who brought to life a vision that was extraordinary in its challenge to societal norms for women in 1820s Ireland.
As Catherine McAuley wrote, “Confidence in God causes us to hope, for everything comes from God’s goodness”. Catherine’s faith inspired her compassion to use her inheritance to establish the House of Mercy in Dublin in 1827, where she enacted her vision to create a more just society through the education of women and children to give them the knowledge and skills to become agents of their own advancement and liberation.
Through the Works of Mercy, Catherine and the Sisters of Mercy, in the first six years of the House of Mercy, welcomed over seven hundred homeless and unemployed women into their community of friendship, prayer, love, compassion and hope.
By igniting hope and leading with compassionate hearts, we nurture an environment where everyone is uplifted and valued. In 2025 we are invited to integrate these virtues into our daily lives, living the Gospel values of love, mercy, and service, and continuing the legacy of Catherine McAuley by being a source of hope and compassion for others.
100th anniversary of the Past Pupils’ Association
This year marks a significant milestone in our school’s history as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the All Hallows’ School Past Pupils’ Association. On behalf of our entire school community, I extend our heartfelt thanks to the Association for their enduring legacy of compassion and support for our past pupils.
Founded in 1925, our Past Pupils’ Association has fostered connections that have strengthened the AHSisterhood and ensured our past pupils remain an integral part of our Mercy tradition. Interestingly, until the formation of the Parents and Friends Association in 1958 and the Ladies Committee in 1980, our Past Pupils’ Association was our school’s only organised body offering support in the interest of the school’s programme. How much times have changed!
Our Past Pupils’ Association was particularly active in its early years, and by 1927, there was a Past Pupils’ Dramatic Society and a Literary and Debating Society. The Association’s original constitution, a quite delicate small booklet, is carefully kept in our school archives.
I give thanks to the leadership of the Association President, Ms Tron Fisher, the Association Executive and the many past pupils who have worked tirelessly to organise a program of activities throughout the year to celebrate this special anniversary.
We look forward to joining together in celebration at the Inaugural Mass on Monday 3 March and throughout the year ahead, giving thanks for the many blessings of our Past Pupils’ Association and looking with hope to the future of our vibrant, faith-filled community.
1933 Past Pupils' Committee.
Source: All Hallows' School 1933 School Magazine, courtesy of All Hallows' School Archives.
Invitation to Inaugural Mass
Due to renovations at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, our Inaugural Mass is slightly later than usual this year, being on Monday, 3 March, commencing at 1.00 pm. I would like to extend an invitation to all members of our school community to attend our Inaugural Mass, and further information will be provided in the coming weeks on the School App.
Our Inaugural Mass is the only opportunity in the year where we have seating capacity for our entire school community to come together to give thanks and celebrate the start of a new year. It is also when we have our special ‘clapping in’ tradition of welcoming all of our new students, so it is a very memorable day for our new students and families. Additionally, this year will be a significant celebration for our past pupil community. I hope you can join us and please keep an eye out for further information on the App.
501 Ann Street renovation and Exam Centre
We have several major development and refurbishment projects occurring on campus this year, all targeted towards enhancing the holistic education enjoyed by our students.
Over the holidays, our Enterprise staff working in 501 Ann Street have moved into Level 2 of the All Hallows’ Convent, ahead of the full renovation as new classroom spaces for 501 Ann Street. This project will also see the building of an air bridge over Dodge Lane from near the entrance to Claver Theatre to the back of 501 Ann Street.
A second exciting project is the creation of a dedicated Exam Centre in Level 2 of the Dodge Lane precinct (previously the child care centre).
Both of these projects are scheduled to be completed for the beginning of the 2026 school year and I look forward to providing regular updates on the progress of these exciting projects.
These first weeks are always event-filled, so I encourage you to carefully review the school calendar and prioritise attending parent group meetings and parent information evenings that occur in Term 1.
I look forward to seeing you at many events in the coming weeks, and I have no doubt our ongoing collaboration will ensure that your daughter is well-positioned to make the most of her many talents and all of the exciting opportunities throughout the year.
“None of us is an island, an autonomous and independent, ‘I’ separated from the other, and we can only build the future by standing together, including everyone.” Pope Francis
Wishing you every blessing for the year ahead and I look forward to journeying with you and your family in 2025.
God bless,
Mrs. Catherine O’Kane (Principal)