All Hallows’ School is committed to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students while in our care and take our moral and legal responsibility to provide our students with a safe and secure environment most seriously. Our student protection policies and processes are based on the following principles:
- Every child/student has a right to protection from harm.
- The welfare and best interest of the child/student are paramount.
- All adults have a responsibility to care for students and to protect them from all forms of harm as well as to positively promote their welfare.
- All Hallows’ School is committed to the importance and implementation of student protection policies and processes.
To this end, we have developed a comprehensive Student Protection Policy in addition to our Student Protection Processes that are designed to maintain a child safe environment. Listed below are a number of key policies and processes:
- Policy on Student Protection
- Student Protection Processes for Queensland Catholic School Authorities
- Student Protection Guidelines
- Procedure for Non-Compliance with Student Protection Processes.
All Hallows’ School Student Protection Contacts
Under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Regulation 2017 (Section 16(3), All Hallows’ School Limited has at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another staff member that the student considers inappropriate. The names of these are made known to staff, students and parents and are:
Deputy Principal: email
Dean of Student Wellbeing: email
Head of Pastoral Care: email
Head of Health and Wellness: email
Head of Years 5 & 6: email
School Counsellors: email
Everyone at All Hallows’ School has the right to a safe environment free from fear and hurt. Bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Bullying is the intentional and sustained misuse of power, privilege or position by an individual or group which hurts, rejects or excludes another individual. It is often surrounded by fear, secrecy and misplaced loyalty to the perpetrator.
It is the responsibility of every member of the School community to ensure that a safe environment exists and to take appropriate action against bullying. Those aware of, or witnessing, bullying behaviour have a responsibility to report it to a responsible adult, or support and assist the person being bullied to report it to a responsible adult, and not allow tacit approval of it as a bystander.
To report a concern about bullying at the School directly to the Dean of Student Wellbeing please complete the form below. Pastoral care and support will be offered to all persons involved with the welfare and best interests of any students involved being paramount. Click here to read a copy of the school's Anti-Bullying Policy.