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At All Hallows' School, we recognise that true leadership extends beyond titles and positions. It is about cultivating qualities such as integrity, resilience, empathy, and a commitment to service. Through our student leadership initiatives, we aim to nurture these qualities and help students discover their unique strengths and abilities.

Our student leadership programs offer a diverse range of opportunities for students to explore and develop their leadership potential. From student councils and committees to Mercy action initiatives, we provide platforms where students can actively participate, collaborate, and make a difference.

By engaging in these leadership experiences, our students learn valuable skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and decision-making. They develop the confidence to express their ideas, the ability to navigate challenges, and the resilience to adapt in a rapidly changing world.  Furthermore, our student leadership programs instill in our students a sense of responsibility and the understanding of the impact they can have on others. They learn the value of empathy, inclusivity, and the importance of embracing diversity in leadership roles.

From student councils and committees to Mercy Action initiatives, we provide platforms where students can actively participate, collaborate, and make a difference.

Student leadership structures which exist at the Home Group, year level and senior level, contribute to a student’s sense of belonging, their active participation in the School community and the promotion of a strong School spirit.

The Student Leadership body of the School is made up of two Year 12 students as School Captains and thirty-two Year 12 School leaders (four from each House) in the positions of House Spirit Captain, House Social Justice Captain, House Sport Captain and House Cultural Captain. All Year 11 students and staff are invited to participate in our Student Leaders election process.

As we prepare our students for life beyond the green gates, we believe that fostering their leadership potential is essential. By providing them with these opportunities to build agency and develop crucial leadership skills, we equip them with the tools to navigate the complexities of the future, become active contributors to society, and make a positive difference in the world.